Performing as part of the Tribute to John Coltrane Concert at Cafe Stritch in San Jose on September 25th.
JUNE 2016
Ken will be giving a performance / lecture for Temple Kol Emeth Spring fundraiser in Palo Alto.
Ken's music appears in Karin Albou's new film My Shortest Love Affair, showing at the San Francisco Film Festival in July and August.
MAY - JUNE 2015
Sound Poetry celebrated in performance at The Sunside in Paris on July 1st.
Ken Berman Trio featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana performing the original "MRI" at Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Stanford University.
New video - "It's Over" - of Ken Berman performing live with Kai Eckhardt (electric bass) and Akira Tana (drums) at Stanford University's Dinkelspiel Auditorium in 2014.
New release Sound Poetry out now!
Sound Poetry reviewed by George Harris in Jazz Weekly:
"Here's an intuitive and lyrical collection of music by a trio lead by pianist Ken Berman. He uses his solo sounds on Billy Strayhorn's "Lush Life" and George Gershwin's "Someone to Watch Over Me" as atmospheric bookends to frame his delicate work with Kai Eckhardt/eb and Akira Tana/dr. As for the solo excursions, hints of Satie pop up here and there, while on his trio selections, stately melodies and thoughtful solos abound on compositions such as "Old Dylan" and "The Poet" while a bit of bluesy grooves slide to center stage with a touch of bop on "Frisell" and "Diane." His approach is quite mature and patient, but never stale or rote-he has feeling in his delivery but it's more on the side of grace than grease. Flowing like a silk nightgown."
Scott Yanow praises Sound Poetry in The Los Angeles Jazz Scene:
"Pianist Ken Berman leads his own trio on Sound Poetry, featuring electric bassist Kai Eckhardt and drummer Akira Tana. On eight originals (including tributes to Bob Dylan, Bill Frisell and indirectly to Bill Evans), and fresh versions of "Lush Life" and "Someone To Watch Over Me," (the latter modernized and taken as an unaccompanied piano solo), Berman and his group perform thoughtful, melodic and impressionistic music. Grooving as much as swinging, the musicians develop and build up the music as it progresses. There is plenty of close interplay by the musicians with Berman in the lead. While one might think of Bill Evans or Vince Guaraldi in spots, Ken Berman has his own sound, with plenty of fire displayed on the medium-tempo jazz waltz "Spaghetti Eastern." Sound Poetry lives up to its title and will hold the interest of listeners throughout the well-balanced and easily enjoyable set."
Terrific review in All About Jazz where journalist Edward Blanco praises Sound Poetry as full of "fresh new material" and hitting "newly chartered territory" - "a sound and charming musical statement from a superb pianist and composer." The full review appears in our reviews page.
Sound Poetry broke into JAZZWEEK's TOP 75, hitting #60!
Sound Poetry has been on JAZZWEEK's TOP 100 for over 4 weeks, and is being featured on more than 175 radio stations nationwide.
JULY 2014
Sound Poetry just cracked the TOP 100 in JAZZWEEK airplay chart, and is now being broadcast on over 165 jazz radio stations nationwide, from Maine to Chicago, New Orleans to Austin, Texas, Seattle to Hawaii.
MAY 2014
New video of Ken performing a solo piano version of Billy Strayhorn's classic "Lush Life," recorded on location at Fantasy Studios. To be included on the upcoming CD Sound Poetry.
"Someone To Watch Over Me" from the new CD, recorded live on location at Fantasy Studios.
Ken Berman's new work Sound Poetry celebrated in performance at Stanford University's Dinkelspiel Auditorium on February 28th.
Here is a new video of the trio performing the original composition "Sound Poem" (ASCAP - all rights reserved), shot on location at Fantasy Recording Studios. This tune is part of the upcoming CD, Sound Poetry.
Check out our new video, recorded on location at Fantasy Studios. The tune is called "Bill Frisell." (ASCAP - all rights reserved)
JULY 2013
Our KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN was a huge success!! Thanks to all who backed the project!!
JUNE 2013
Appearing at The Sunside in Paris on June 27 with Remi Vignolo and Darryl Hall. Press on the link above for tickets.
Our Kickstarter project was featured on the Open Culture website!
MAY 2013
Appearing at Lou's Village in San Jose on May 25th through the San Jose Jazz Saturday Concert Series.
APRIL 2013
Performing at Stanford University's Comparative Literature Fete
MARCH 2013
The Trio will be premiering new material from the upcoming release Sound Poetry at Hertz Concert Hall U.C. Berkeley on May 1st.
Performing at the Mainline Reform Temple Auditorium on March 23
Appearing as part of the San Jose Jazz "Free Jazz Wednesdays" Series on January 9th.
Recording new CD Sound Poetry at Fantasy Studios with Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana. 1st session, December 18th.
Performing at Hertz Hall, University of California at Berkeley next May
Performing at the Bliss Bar in San Francisco on Sunday, November 4 in a duo setting with Kai Eckhardt on bass.
Working on new CD project Sound Poetry due out Fall 2013.
JULY 2012
New show added at Bliss Bar in San Francisco.
MAY 2012
New live video footage: "Old Dylan" Live at the Sunset, Paris, with Hadrien Feraud and Remi Vignolo.
MARCH 2012
Ken Berman / Kai Eckhardt Duo in Concert Sunday March 4th at Bliss Bar in San Francisco.
Ken Berman, Hadrien Feraud and Remi Vignolo performing the original "Old Style Tune" Live at the Sunset, Paris, December 2011.
Performing in a duo setting with guitarist Mike Abraham at the Bliss Bar in SF, CA on January 22nd.
Ken Berman featured in the Parisian magazine Journal La Terrasse for the upcoming concert at The Sunset in Paris.
Ken Berman "Trio F" with Remi Vignolo and bassist Hadrien Feraud (John McLaughlin, Chick Corea alumni) will be appearing at The Sunset in Paris on December 23rd. Click here to purchase advance tickets at a discount.
Ken Berman now appearing on EARBITS online Radio, as well as on the playlist of 106.7 FM in New York City.
New REVERBNATION widget for all to share. Includes more info and updates and some free downloads!
JULY 2011
A short feature in the July issue of the local SF Newspaper The Potrero View.
JUNE 2011
Ken Berman Trio will be at Vino Locale in Palo Alto, CA, on June 9th
MAY 2011
Looking Forward has been added to the playlist on Radio NEO 95.5 in New York City.
Performing at Stanford University's BiblioTech Conference on May 11th. See Gigs page for details
Ken is featured in the May issue of Monterey Magazine
APRIL 2011
Check out our new Artist page at Reverbnation
MARCH 2011
Great review of Looking Forward in the current quarterly edition of Cadence Magazine, where the album was described as on "the cutting edge" of the current jazz scene:
"Berman of course gets plenty of solo time here. He sounds good, in a full-voiced way. Steve-Kuhn-Bley-Jarrett-Evans are people he has appreciated, I suspect, and he belongs to that school here if that's what you would like to call it. It's a kind of narrative post-Bop style, with linear and harmonic movement the main thrust..." "It's all well done and a very good example of a modern piano trio playing original material that doesn't sound like stolen goods." See the full article on our Reviews page.
Looking Forward is being featured at CDBABY this month, all month.
Check out this month's JazzTimes Magazine, where Looking Forward was chosen as one of "the Ten Best and Most Important jazz CDs of 2010!"
Looking Forward has been added to the rotation on NPR Station KUAC-FM in Fairbanks, Alaska.
In the year-end edition of Between The Grooves Blog, Ken's CD Looking Forward was chosen by critic Philip Booth as one of the Top Ten Jazz Releases of 2010.
Megasonic Studios on the 13th, off to Paris on the 17th.
You can see photos of Ken, Kai, and Akira's recent concert at Yoshi's by clicking here.
Here is a video of a recent solo performance of Billy Strayhorn's "Lush Life"
Performing at Hertz Concert Hall on the campus of University of California at Berkeley on October 13th as part of the UC Music Department's 58th annual Noon Concert Series, with Akira Tana and Marc Van Wageningen.
The Ken Berman Trio featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana will be appearing at Yoshi's in Oakland on September 20th! Click on the link to buy advance tickets.
Looking Forward has been added to the playlist on KMHD, 89.1 Jazz Radio in Portland Oregon. Great station.
Check out this live video clip of the original tune Peace Now, recorded in concert at the Bach Dancing and Dynamite Society last month.
"Fiercely Imaginative" - The SF Examiner.Com, August 6, 2010
Appearing at the Bach Dancing And Dynamite Society in Half Moon Bay on Sunday, August 8th. Reserve your tickets in advance for a discount by pressing on the link above.
KB will be interviewed Saturday, August 7th on KRML Radio 94.7 in Monterey, CA, at 9am PST by host Jim Sintetos. Tune in online by pressing the link.
JULY 2010
Looking Forward was just added to the playlists on jazz radio KKUP in San Jose and on legendary station KRML in Carmel, CA.
Interview coming up on July 27th from 4-6pm PST with Afrikahn Jamal Davys on San Jose Radio KKUP 91.5
Appearing at the Bach Dancing And Dynamite Society in Half Moon Bay on Sunday, August 8th, and at Yoshi's on September 20th.
JUNE 2010
Appearing at The Sunside in Paris on June 28th with Rémi Vignolo (d) and Diego Imbert (b).
Interview scheduled for July 27th with Afrikahn Jahmal Dayvs of San Jose radio KKUP
MAY 2010
Looking Forward just received a terrific review in the new edition of The Los Angeles Jazz Scene Click on the link and scroll to the bottom for the article.
Appearing at the noted Bach Dancing And Dynamite Society in Half Moon Bay in August.
Looking Forward is receiving airplay on NPR jazz radio WCLK in Atlanta!
APRIL 2010
A glowing review in the April 21st edition of The East Bay Express
KB Trio will be performing at The Sunside in Paris in June and at the world-famous Yoshi's jazz club in Oakland in September.
Receiving airplay on more and more NPR stations nationwide including recently added at WAER in Syracuse and KSKA in Anchorage, as well as at WDCB in Chicago, WEMU in Michigan, WSKG in NY and KCSM jazz radio in San Francisco.
MARCH 2010
Looking Forward was just added to the rotation on NPR jazz and blues radio WDCB in Chicago!
You can buy the new release here:
Looking Forward is being added to the rotation on Bay Area jazz radio station KCSM: Call the studio at (650) 574-9136 and request to hear Ken Berman's new album.
The new album is now available on:
Looking Forward has been added to the rotation on NPR stations WEMU in Eastern Michigan and WSKG in upstate NY. Click on the link to make a request!
January 13th, 2010
Please donate now to OXFAM or The RED CROSS to help the people of Haiti who are suffering so tragically after the earthquake. Even a small amount will help save lives!
January 1st, 2010
Ken will be performing live at the KPFA Music Festival this month.
Tune into KPFA Radio on December 12th at 1pm to hear a live performance and interview from the Ken Berman Trio, featuring Akira Tana (d) and Sam Bevan (b), highlighting tracks from his upcoming album Looking Forward.
Ken will be broadcast live in concert on KPFA radio on December 12th at the San Francisco Concourse Exhibition Center. A live interview will follow the performance.
Looking Forward, the new album of original music by Ken Berman featuring bass great Kai Eckhardt and the legendary Akira Tana on drums is scheduled for release on January 1st, 2010.
This just in: Ken will be performing at the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco on December 12th.
Here's a video trailer excerpt of the title track of Looking Forward, Ken's upcoming album featuring Kai Eckhardt (b) and Akira Tana (d).
JULY 2009
Check out this new live excerpt of the original composition Sailing To Byzantium featuring Akira Tana and Peter Barshay, recorded live in concert. This song, along with 7 other originals will be available on Ken's new CD, due out in November.
July 16th,2009
Ken will be performing a rare solo piano concert this Sunday at the Berkeley City Club.
June 30th,2009
Ken's new album Looking Forward, featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana performing eight new original compositions is scheduled for European release on October 21st, U.S. release December 1st.
June 1st,2009
Ken will be appearing at the Berkeley City Club on July 19 in Berkeley, CA, in a rare solo concert performance.
April 3,2009
Ken, Akira, and Kai went into the studio to finish up there upcoming trio CD, scheduled to be released this fall. More details to follow....
February 14th,2009
Here is a clip from a recent concert in San Francisco, featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana, performing the original composition, Sailing To Byzantium.
November 21st, 2008
Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana joined Ken Berman in the studio to begin work on his next album, with the working title "Looking Forward." Check back here for unreleased excerpts and new originals!
September 28th, 2008
Bob Parlocha featured Ken Berman on his "Jazz With Bob Parlocha" program this week, and called Ken a "sensitive writer and performer, a young pianist to watch out for."
August 16th, 2008
KCSM's Desert Island Jazz with disc jockey Alisa Clancy was full of great conversation and fun. Thanks to all who tuned in.
August 7th, 2008
Ken Berman will be appearing on the Bay Area's Jazz Station KCSM on Friday, August 15th as part of their "Desert Island Jazz" program. Tune in at 9am!
July 4th, 2008
Melody has arrived - 3 weeks early!!!
June 10th, 2008
The concert at YOSHI'S was a huge success! Check back soon for clips of new material recorded there.
May 26, 2008
This just in! KCSM disc jockey Michael Burman will be the MC for The Ken Berman Trio's upcoming concert at YOSHI'S on Monday, June 2nd. Tickets are selling fast! Reserve your seats now by clicking on the link above or calling 415-655-5600.
May 14, 2008
The Ken Berman Trio will be performing at YOSHI'S in San Francisco on Monday, June 2nd! If you have not visited the incredible new Yoshi's, now is the time! Click on the above link to reserve the best seats for June 2nd, or call 415-655-5600. Yoshi's is located at 1330 Fillmore Street in San Francisco, with easy parking.
May 9, 2008
Support Bay Area Jazz Station KCSM during their spring fundraiser. Help keep the jazz flowing by giving what you can to the nation's only 24 hour jazz radio station.
April 19, 2008
The trio concert at Piedmont Pianos was a spectacular night. Check back soon for video footage of two new compositions premiered there.
April 6, 2008
Check out this week's edition of SF Weekly, where the Ken Berman Trio was chosen as an Editor's Pick. Reviewer Hiya Swanhuyser writes:
Composer Ken Berman is sometimes compared to Keith Jarrett; that's a compliment. But the Ken Berman Trio's music makes us think more of drinking strong tea in the avenues on a socked-in foggy day than of any particular compere the local music prof may have. It's contemplative jazz, gentle but without a trace of fluff or artifice. Berman's favored in Paris and Los Angeles, where jazz critic Scott Yanow called his piano work "both swinging and thoughtful." The trio also features Kai Eckhardt on electric bass and Akira Tana on drums. Catch them tonight [Saturday, April 12th] in the interesting company of many, many pianos and the high-class acoustics of a music store.
Seating is limited for the Saturday, April 12th concert at Piedmont Pianos; call 415-543-9988 for advance reservations.
February 19th, 2008
The Ken Berman Trio featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana will be performing on Saturday, April 12th as part of the Piedmont Piano Company Concert Series. The Piedmont Piano Company is located at 660 3rd Street in San Francisco, and houses some of the finest pianos in the city. Advance tickets are available by calling 415-543-9988. Mark your calendars!
January 20th, 2008
Ken's new song, Peace Now recorded live in concert with the trio, featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana.
December 10th, 2007
Here's another new clip from the Ken Berman Trio's performance at Hertz Concert Hall , with the title track to Ken Berman's latest CD In Mind. This footage features a bass solo by the inimitable Kai Eckhardt.
October 25th, 2007
Check out the new clip below of the Ken Berman Trio live at Hertz Concert Hall, featuring Kai Eckhardt and Akira Tana , performing the new tune Délie. More clips to follow!
September 22nd, 2007
A huge crowd of over 400 people attended the Hertz Hall Concert at UC Berkeley last Wednesday. The concert was a great success. We will be posting video footage and pictures of the show soon.
September 12th, 2007
The Ken Berman Trio, featuring Kai Eckhardt (b) and Akira Tana (d) will be appearing at the Hertz Concert Hall at the University of California, Berkeley, on Wednesday, September 19th as part of the UC School of Music Noon Concert Series.
August 20th, 2007
Below is the Ken Berman trio, featuring Peter Barshay (b) and Alan Hall (d) with the premiere of the composition Looking Forward from a recent live performance at The Jazz School.
July 24th, 2007
Check out the latest footage from the JazzSchool concert below, and scroll down for more videos of earlier concerts, including one featuring Kai Eckhardt (b) and Akira Tana (b). Visit our Bio and Music pages for even more footage. Below is an excerpt of the new tune, Délie from an upcoming disc, Live At The Jazz School.
June 4th, 2007
The Jazz School concert was a great success! Thanks to all who came out. Several new compositions were debuted and recorded for later release. We will be posting pictures of the show on our Bio page shortly. Check back soon!
May 15th, 2007
Ken Berman will be appearing at The JazzSchool on Sunday, June 3rd, leading a trio featuring Peter Barshay (bass) and Alan Hall (drums). All ages show: seating is limited: you can reserve advance tickets now by clicking here, or calling 1-866-384-3060. The JazzSchool is located at 2087 Addison Street in downtown Berkeley.
April 10th, 2007
The Ken Berman Trio, featuring alto saxophonist Sarah Manning and bassist Sam Bevan will be performing original material at bacar restaurant in San Francisco this coming Wednesday, April 11th.
February 24th, 2007
Reviewing Ken Berman's new CD In Mind for the February issue of The L.A. Jazz Scene, Scott Yanow writes: "When listening to Ken Berman's trio CD In Mind, it is easy to think of Keith Jarrett and Bill Evans, for Berman's chord voicings and his close interplay with his sidemen recall the work of his two predecessors. The difference is that Berman wrote all ten selections, he never copies Evans or Jarrett, and at times he sounds more advanced than either of them." To see more of the article, check out our Reviews page.
January 19th, 2007
The Ken Berman Trio concert at Anna's Jazz Island was Sold Out! Thanks to everyone who came out for the show! Check out a video excerpt of the performance below of the new tune The Bard Flies, featuring Kai Eckhardt (b) and Akira Tana (d). Check our Bio and Music pages for more!
January 14th, 2007
The Ken Berman Trio, featuring Kai Eckhardt (bass) and Akira Tana (drums) will be appearing for one night only at Anna's Jazz Island on Thursday, January 18th, at 8pm . Reserve your tickets in advance by calling Anna's at 510-841-5299 as seating is limited. Don't miss this extraordinary Cd Release Concert!
January 9th, 2007
Ken Berman interview on KCSM!
Tune in to KCSM at 3pm on Thursday, January 11th, when Ken will be interviewed by Melanie Berzon. Stream the interview online at KCSM.org.
December 15th, 2006
Ken Berman returns to France for a European CD Release Party at The SUNSIDE in Paris on December 19th, with a trio featuring Remi Vignolo and Fabien Marcoz.
September 23rd, 2006
Ken Berman will be a appearing with a trio featuring Chuck Metcalf (b) and Ron Marabuto (d) and perform new material from his album In Mind at The Downtown Restaurant in Berkeley, CA.
August 31st, 2006
Ken Berman's New CD In Mind hits the top 15 jazz releases of 2007 on Syndicated Jazz Radio Host Bob Parlocha's website! View the Listing .
June 20th, 2006 - Expat Jazz Sensation Releases New Album!
Jazz pianist and composer Ken Berman, a sensation in Paris, was praised by French newspaper Le Monde as "fluid and erudite" and hailed as a performer whose "complex improvisations overflow with delicate sensuality and brilliance."
In Mind, Ken Berman’s latest release, features ten inspired original tracks showcasing his genius as a composer and pianist, leading a combo including the great John Lockwood on bass and legendary drummers Yoron Israel and Bob Gullotti. In December 2005, the French newspaper Le Monde praised Ken Berman, a sensation in Paris, as "precise and inventive," and the "talk of the town in the clubs of the [European] capital of jazz." His new compositions have been the subject of a recent in-depth feature on KZSU at Stanford University, where he was compared with Keith Jarrett, Bill Evans, and Horace Silver.
June 9, 2006 - Ken Berman performs at the Jazz School in Berkeley with Frances Feldon’s Early Music Ensemble
May 23, 2006 - Ken Berman on KZSU – 2 hour interview!
Ken Berman is interviewed by Robert Harrison of KZSU at Stanford University in a two-hour in depth feature on his work. Several tracks from his new release In Mind are broadcast. Listen to excerpts of the interview.